7 ways of “Well noted” in Japanese.

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If you are contracting with Japanese clients, you’ll be confused of how Japanese express their understanding because of its varieties. So, here is top 6 phrases used for comprehension.

Shouti itashimashita. (しょうちいたしました)

Politeness level : highly polite

Whom to use : clients, cowokers, someone of higher status.

This phrase is the politest word used to express your understanding for someone of higher status.

Kashikomarimashita. (かしこまりました)

Politeness level : highly polite

Whom to use : clients, cowokers, someone of higher status.

This phrase is also polite and mostly used in business situation. For example, when you are asked to submit some documents, then you can just say Kshikomarimashita to express your understanding. The usage would be similar to “Abusolutely” and “Certainly”

Haakuitashimashita (はあくいたしました)

Politeness level : highly polite

Whom to use : clients, cowokers, someone of higher status.

This phrase is used when you got the situation or something presented. For ecample, when you hear about how the argue occured from your coworkers, you can say ” (Zyokyou ha = Situation )Haakuitashimashita.” Remember, this phrase is so polite that it’s better to use it in business situation.

Wakarimashita. (わかりました)

Politeness level : polite

Whom to use : friends, clients, cowokers, someone of higher status.

As phrases above, this could be used in business settings not for informal conversations. If you wanna use it in daily conversations, you can say ” Wakatta. (わかった)”. This phrase, however, sounds like more impolite for someone of higher status, so I’ll recommend to use the 3 above phrases instead. In addition to this, if you either repeat this phrase twice or showing bored attitude, you’re meaning unwilling to adopt the request. So, I’m down with using this phrase on a daily conversation, but not in a formal place.


Politeness level : not really

Whom to use : Just for frinds.

This phrase is so confused even in Japan. Possibly you’ve heard some clients or your coworkers use “Ryoukai itashimashita(りょうかい いたしました)”even to someone of higher status. But, this phrase is not suitable for such an formal places. Again, this phrase isn’t honorific words. So, you should use it among your frinds or your family.

Okay (おっけー)

Politeness level : not really

Whom to use : Just for frinds.

This phrase comes from English, so I’ll submit explanation. One thing I can say is that you should pronounce “Kay” stronger than English.

Here is the one specific expression “Gyoi (御意)”, which means understood as well in Japanese. This phrase was on a big trend few years ago. I can’t share the official drama because of its copy rights, but I’ll share one video from impersonater and end this pages. If you’re interested in the real dramas, search “Doctor X”.

Done! Hope this helped really well.

