Don’t be rude! 6 ways of “Sorry” in Japanese.

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The most 3 common and humble phrases to apologize.

Gomennasai (ごめんなさい)

Politeness level : slightly polite

Whom to use : Friends, Family members like whom status is equal.

This phrase is commonly used in Japan. and it can be also abbriviated as “Gomen” or “Gomen ne” for informal conversations.

(And recently one women in this video was a little bit popular in Japan as its funny and cute face. She is called “Doggy Girlfriend”, in Japanese ” Inukei Kanojyo”. I’ll share that video for you and listen carefully that she is saying “Gomenne” in this video.)

Sumimasen (すみません)

Politeness level : polite

Whom to use : Friends, Familymemers, and also coworkers.

This phrase can be used in every situation such as both between friends and between business partners. This phrase is politer than Gomennasai and it is the mostly used phrase to say sorry. You can use this as it is “Excuse me”.

Moushiwake gozaimasen ( もうしわけ ございません)

Poilteness level : highly polite

Whom to use : Business partners and someone who have higher status, someone you look up

This phrase is considered formal, so it’s suitable for more serious or official apologies. If you put たいへん (Taihen) meant really on top of this phrase, you can show deeper apologies.

Case apologies

Case 1 Causing inconvinience Taihen sitsurei itashimashita (たいへん しつれい いたしました)

Poilteness level : highly polite

Whom to use : Business partners and someone who have higher status, someone you look up

This phrase is a polite way to apologize or express deep regret for a significant mistake or inconvenience. You would use this phrase in more formal or serious situations.Remember, this phrase is quite formal, and the level of formality is suitable for business settings, official occasions, or when addressing someone of higher status.

Case 1 Causing inconvinience 5, Taihen gomeiwaku wo okakeshimashita (たいへん ごめいわくを おかけしました)

Poilteness level : highly polite

Whom to use : Business partners and someone who have higher status, someone you look up

This is a polite way to apologize for causing significant trouble or inconvenience and is formal and suitable for business or serious situations.When using this phrase, it’s important to convey your sincere regret and express a willingness to make amends.

Case 2 Being lateOmatase shimashita (おまたせしました)

Poilteness level : highly polite

Whom to use : Business partners and someone who have higher status, someone you look up

You can use this expression in various situations where you’ve made someone wait, such as appointments, meetings, or any rcumstance where timely attendance is expected. You can also put “Moushiwake gozaimasen” at the last and use ” Omataseshite Moushiwake gozaimasen(おまたせして もうしわけ ございません)” By adding apologies plus the fact of being late, you can show deeper apologies.

Case 3 When you enter someone’s private space.Shitsurei itashimasu (しつれい いたします)

Poilteness level : highly polite

Whom to use : Business partners and someone who have higher status, someone you look up

Shitsurei itashimasu” (しつれいいたします) is a formal Japanese expression used in various situations to convey a sense of apology or acknowledgment of a minor breach of etiquette. It’s often used when entering someone’s private space, interrupting, or leaving a meeting.

Done! Hope this helped you well.

