Family members in Japanese.


As same as your common language, we have some member names for the same person and it depends on the situations. Here is the list of family members. The left part is the common names just for calling that person. The right part is more respected names and it’s mostly used when you introduce your family.

Main family members

  1. Father: Otousan (おとうさん) or Chichi (父)
  2. Mother: Okaasan (おかあさん) or Haha (母)
  3. Grandfather: Ojiisan (おじいさん) or Sofu (祖父)
  4. Grandmother: Obaasan (おばあさん) or Sobo (祖母)
  5. Older Brother: Oniisan, Oniichan(おにいさん,おにいちゃん) or Ani (兄)
  6. Older Sister: Oneesan, Oneechan(おねえさん,おねえちゃん) or Ane (姉)
  7. Younger Brother: Otouto (おとうと) or Ototo (弟)
  8. Younger Sister: Imouto (いもうと) or Imoto(妹)
  9. Son: Musuko (むすこ) or Ko (子)
  10. Daughter: Musume (むすめ) or Ko (子)
  11. Male Cousin: Itoko (いとこ)
  12. Female Cousin: Itoko (いとこ)
  13. Great-Grandfather: Ojii-sama (おじいさま) or Sousofu (曾祖父)
  14. Great-Grandmother: Obaa-sama (おばあさま) or Sousobo (曾祖母)

Please note that terms for cousins can be a bit flexible, and the specific words might vary based on the relationship (paternal or maternal side) and whether they are older or younger than you.

Husbands, wives and spouses

1,Wife: Okusan (奥さん) or Tsuma (妻)

2,Husband: Shujin (主人) or Otto (夫)

※Now that Okusan and Syujin are not polite words because of its origin. Oku from Okusan means “backwards” and it’s made from their situation of staying in their house and not advancing into a society. Syu from Syujin means “main” made from the top status of family members. So even now it’s commonly used in Japan, but it’s no more apporopriate.

3, Girlfriend: Kanojo (彼女)

4, Boyfriend: Kareshi (彼氏)

5, Fiance : Konyakusya(婚約者)

Done! I hope this helped you!

