Top 10 Japanese restaurant phrases.

                     UnsplashSimon Karemannが撮影した写真

How do you know about Japanese foods? Sushi, Ramen, Takoyaki,,, We have a lot of tasty foods. I wan you guys to try many kinds of Japanese foods as long as you can, but I reccommend you guys to try especially Sushi, since it’s my favorite and so traditional. I know Sushi is a little bit dangerous in your country, but here in Japan, you would never get nauseous or an upset stomack owing to Japanese hygeniec management system. So, you should try it without hasitation.

So, if you hit Japan up accidently 😉 or intentionally, you will encounter the chance to enter the Japanese resutaurant. And if you don’t speak Japanese at all, you will be awkward to try it, so, I’ll show you brief phrases used in restaurants.

Eric family
Eric family

You: ひとりです、 ふたりです、さんにんです、よにんです・・・( Hitori desu、Hutari desu、Sannindesu、Yonindesu・・・)

  ※  Actually, you can just gesture the number in your party or you can say numbers in English. They’ll difenately get what you mean.


ごちゅうもん おきまりですか? (Gotyumon Okimaridesuka?)

What can I get for you?

Eric family
Eric family

○○ください。 or これ ください。 (○○kudasai or kore kudasai.)

Could I have this one please.

Eric family
Eric family



Eric family
Eric family

おかいけい おねがいします。(Okaikei Onegaisimasu.)

Check out please.

Eric family
Eric family


Thank you.

Words in restaurants.

Water : みず (Mizu) Fork : フォーク(fo-ku) Nife : ナイフ(Naifu )

Spoon : スプーン(Supu-n) Napkin :ナプキン(Napukin)


I hope your travel in Japan ended up wonderful!

